Thursday 31 May 2012

Recently, I've been watching a lot of Twin Peaks (by a lot, I mean like 5 episodes, but I'm hooked) and I'm fascinated by the colour scheme. And all the clothes. Male and female. Oh, the plaid and blazers.

I have shoes from Winners that are really similar to the ones Audrey wears in episode one (she's wearing them in the image above, and she takes them off later in replace off awesome red heels (which, sadly, I don't have a replica of), but they're still great and I love them. They're shiny, and they're really beat-up now, which is even better.

I can't decide whether I like Donna or Audrey's clothes better. They're different and similar and contrasting and sweaters and skirts and unngghhhh.

Blurry. Sweater: Pseudio. Dress: Thrifted. Tights: Hand-me-downs. Shoes: Winners
Part Donna, part Audrey? The skirt on this dress is kind of too short for Twin Peaks, period, but I like the colour.

There are also the most fabulous sweaters. I'd like more big sweaters. They go with everything. Big sweaters and skirts are some of my favourite things.

I want to try to make my hair big and curly and great, but for now it's up and flat.
Sweater: Gap. Dress: American Eagle. Socks: Gift. Shoes: Aldo.

Sweater: thrifted. Tank: GARAGE. Skirt: Aeropostale. Tights: Hand-me-down.

I LOVE THIS SWEATER. I picked it up because the fabric reminded me of a carpet or a couch in an awesome way. Then I looked at it and it was an XXL so EVEN BETTER. I'm wearing it write now, and I want to wear it every day forever.

I don't have any outfits inspired by Jocelyn Pickard (I have no high-waisted anythings :( ), but I had to post at least one picture because  everything she wears is AWESOME. The collars, the pants, the belt, the sweater. In another episode she's wearing this awesome red dress. Even her housecoats are fantastic. Plus she's also always wearing really daring red lipstick, and earrings, and she has this great short haircut that I wish I could pull off.

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